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3 best practices for greener grass


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How to make your garden lawn greener?

A question that many of us ask ourselves. We spend time in the garden. To eat, chat, work, rest or spend time with family or friends.

Anyway, it is a place of meeting, of exchanges, a place where we receive the world that is why we like it to be as maintained as possible. In this case, how to maintain your lawn and ensure that it sports a beautiful green color? 

The mowing of the grass

Prevention is better than cure! Indeed, if it is ideal to care for your lawn when it is in poor condition, it is better to avoid that it does not damage. It is therefore preferable to carry out regular maintenance. For this, the best solution is to get rid of yellow grass by mowing. Especially since this type of maintenance facilitates the growth of the grass and helps to strengthen it. But for this operation to be successful, consider mowing your lawn at least once a week.

Note for those who wish to go further, that the ideal is to do this every 5 days or even 4 days, if you have enough availability… Yes necessarily, it is not given to everyone!

Also, know that it is always better to mow your lawn during the period of its active growth. For information, this period is between February and November. In all this, make sure that the mower blades are sharp. Otherwise, you may have yellowish grass. Also, in summer, consider mowing the lawn with a fairly high height. For this, leave a height of about 6 cm during the summer season so that the lawn and floors are more resistant to drought.

Water your lawn well

One of the most important conditions for green grass is how you water it. Indeed, the wetter it is, the greener it is. For this, remember to water it as soon as the ambient temperature goes above 20°C.

Did you know that? Some rules are necessary to water your lawn properly: For 1 m² of lawn, 3 to 4 liters of water are necessary. This ensures a good watering of the roots.

Once the beautiful days arrive, prefer a night watering so that the water does not evaporate too quickly.

During the spring, make your lawn a little bit thirsty before watering. This watering technique makes the roots more robust.

Choosing the right fertilizer

You probably know that fertilizer is essential for the proper growth of plants. But beware, not just any fertilizer: natural or organic fertilizers only: Exit the chemicals harmful to the soil, fauna and flora of your garden!

Grass also needs fertilizers and fertilizers to keep its greenery and good health. Also, it is important to choose the product best suited to your needs so that your lawn displays the desired appearance.For this, do not hesitate to make your own home compost, or ask in a garden center to know the ranges of natural products recommended.

We advise you to work upstream that is to say to protect and feed your soil before even planting the grass. A healthy field always promotes a beautiful lawn!