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Renovation work, protection with blue masking tape and polyane film


blog - Chantier de rénovation, protection avec de l’adhésif de masquage bleu et du film polyane
blog - Chantier de rénovation, protection avec de l’adhésif de masquage bleu et du film polyane

Read about our user's experience of protecting his building site with blue masking tape and polyane film: I talk to you about it regularly, and not for nothing: on a building site, we tend to forget the basic equipment that is so essential. Of course, we think in terms of structural work, building materials and new equipment. But which of these indispensable little tools are the ones on which the success of your project depends?

Accessories for your home

I can see from here that you're wide-eyed and amazed, without really understanding what I'm talking about. In fact, I'm simply referring to equipment such as masking tape, protective plastic sheeting, polythene film and good old-fashioned bungee cords. As I said, these are essential items that we should all have in our first-aid toolbox.

Their uses

What's the point of having all this stuff at home? If you want to renovate a room and give it a fresh look, all you need is a can of paint and one or more brushes, right? Well, no, because it's not just the walls you're going to refresh, but also the floors and furniture. Hence the importance of having a small roll of lightweight plastic sheeting to protect what doesn't need repainting!

Okay, what about masking tape?

Masking tape is useful in many applications, I assure you! In fact, there are many different types of masking tape, depending on the specific use, indoors or outdoors, for example. But without going that far, a roll of masking tape alone can be used to delimit areas to be painted, whether straight or curved, to prevent soiling when you drill into a wall, to tape and fix a protective tarpaulin to the floor, for example, to avoid painting and protruding over skirting boards, ... and so on, the list is long and non-exhaustive!

Polyane plastic film has many uses, both in the home and in the garden.

Waterproof and resistant, it protects and waterproofs an area for the duration of the work, which is why it's so popular for all those little DIY jobs. In fact, it's a protective tarpaulin made of low-density polyethylene with which you can wrap, store and protect all kinds of surfaces.